Become eFiling Masters With Our On-Demand e-File Training Courses

Designed and delivered by our team of eFiling masters, we offer free on-site or online training courses to teach you and your entire firm how to eFile like pros.

MFR e-File Training, showcasing a professional and engaging design that highlights the essentials of eFiling training offered by MyFileRunner. Ideal for legal professionals seeking comprehensive e-Filing education.

We make e-file training ridiculously easy.

Not only have we designed an incredibly simple system for eFiling, but we provide free, custom training to ensure you and your team feel 100% confident in using it. We’ve got you covered 24/7!

virtual assistant training

Leverage our
free online webinar training

We’ll virtually train you and your team from wherever you are, and you can expect the same thorough diligence and hand-held treatment as if we were right there with you.


Entire training is tailored to your firm or business needs.

virtual assistant trainingThorough

Learn everything from how to use our software to the local rules of each jurisdiction.

two colum 2Intensive

We don’t skim the material. We teach mastery.

what is webinar training imageTime Sensitive

Customized to your time requirements.

Opt for our
free on-site training

For an even more hands-on approach, we’ll come to the location of your choice and train your staff in-person.
webinar trainingDesigned for Large Firms

From our experience, in-person training works best for larger businesses.

what is webinar trainingCustom Sessions

Each department will be trained specifically to their needs.

virtual assistant trainingWe Come to You

We will train at your firm or any other location of your choice.

webinar trainingTraining for Mastery

While training can take as little as an hour, we stay until each person is 100% confident in filing, managing the users, and even working with the jurisdictions.

Learn on your own time and at your own pace

We provide a library of resources and videos for teams that prefer to learn on their own terms. Our content is straight to
the point and easy to follow for an effortless self-service learning experience.


Ideal for Busy Teams

No need to try to find a time that works for everyone.

webinar training

Quick and Simple

Our videos are designed to train your team as efficiently as possible.

webinar training

Training for Different Levels of Comprehension

Empower your team to focus on learning unfamiliar concepts while bypassing already known material, optimizing everyone’s time efficiently.

Explore our Training Videos

From filing a brand new case to adding a new credit card, we provide simple, short and straight-to-the-point videos for every operation on our website. Check out our MyFileRunner YouTube channel to view our library of instructional videos!

Avoid rejected filings and save time

Our eFiling training ensures your team will file correctly every single time to eliminate rejections and save time spent on having to refile.

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Register your firm the right way

We’ll assist your team in registering your firm and configuring your settings in our system to ensure that notifications get sent to the right person at the right time.

Hear from other

I ran into a frustrating dead end due to an error at the clerk’s office, on a case I’m working pro bono. What should have been a very simple filing turned into a hassle because of the clerk’s errors. MyFileRunner jumped in and took over communicating with them to get things straightened out, allowing me to focus on other work, which is especially appreciated in a lean solo practice without support staff. Such great service, I appreciate it so much!!

 -Emily Rickers

   Law, PC

I want to compliment all of you for your quick response time, professionalism, and assistance that you have provided. It makes my life so much easier…

 –Teresa L Newsom

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Ready to become
eFiling masters?

Get started today with MyFileRunner and learn how to eFile with ease.